
Shaun Mills, Rototek Ltd, UK

On using the K-Metron to measure customers products in production…

“The K-Metron is ideal for many of our customers seeking real time sampling and measurement of their products in production. It has enough capability in terms of usability, functionality and accuracy. It is very easy for our production operators to use when checking the products and setting up machine programs. The LCD display is very clear, precise and of a high quality. The wireless connectivity to the PC and professional software is very helpful for wireless remote measuring and data logging which cuts down machine set-up time, manpower and increases productivity.”

Johan Goosen, K-Fab Plastics, South Africa

On measuring prototype thicknesses using the K-Metron…

“We use our K-Metron for prototypes. The wall thickness of the prototypes must be measured to ensure it is within specification as requested by our clients.
The K-Metron saves a lot of time by eliminating all the cross section cuts we had to do previously. We also save the client a lot of money as we do not have to destroy a prototype that is within the spec.”

Grant Heroldt, Duys Roto-moulders, South Africa

On the K-Metron…

“The K-Metron has done more for us than simply measure our wall thickness. Testing and storing data quickly and efficiently allows us to spend more time making tanks.
The K-Metron also helps us to keep track of good rotation on our machines by monitoring the consistency of the wall thickness. Simply by tracking the head sensor around the tank and from top to bottom we can monitor the consistency of the wall thickness.”

Dru Laws of Mitylite, Simtek and Chroma , USA

On temperature-controlled cycles using K-KONTROL…

“It was really nice to be able to set a cycle based on a temperature and the actual time that it spent in the oven each cycle was different but it always reached the appropriate temperature so there was a lot of comfort in knowing that the variations within the building, the variations across the seasons were automatically compensated for by using temperature based recipes instead of time based recipes”

On foaming

“When you foam, I think temperature based control is a must haveConsistency from product to product is far improved.”


Anne Gautier, L’OCEANE des plastics, FRANCE

 On the K-PAQ…

 “We are very happy to have K-PAQ because we feel it is very easy to use..”

 “We use it as soon as we have a new mould to test, especially if it is for technical parts or when we have to improve our cooking parameters”

“The K-PAQ helps us to mould new materials like PBT and today PBTA and today we are thinking about using the K-PAQ to mould multi-layer items


Bob Slee, Palm Equipment Europe, UK

On the K-PAQ as a test tool….

“In a normal situation I don’t use the K-PAQ everyday, I only use it on new models and if we are going to do a test on something I use it then…I use it as a development tool rather than an everyday tool.”

“3 Words: 3-Layer, K-PAQ, Doddle


Tomaž Šoš – Roto, SLOVENIA

On the K-PAQ in production

“Using K-PAQ in our Rotomoulding system is really a big jump forward because we are doing boats with 3-layers and without K-PAQ we can’t do this.  It’s unbelievable, we could not imagine doing such things with 3-layers without the K-PAQ because internal temperature control must be very precise so the K-PAQ helps us to always have the right temperature to give us the right shot inside the mould at the right moment so without K-PAQ it is not possible to do such things…”

On using K-PAQ

“K-PAQ is a great help and I think this is the best thing to work with and it’s also easy and fun to do”


Mike Truax, STP Rotomachinery, CANADA

On new Rotomoulders and K-PAQ….

“New Rotomoulders love the K-PAQ.  It allows them to get a better understanding of what’s really happening inside their moulds because these people are new to the process..”

“We offer K-PAQ with our own Rotomoulding machines as a tool to combine to try to get more out of the process

On linking K-PAQ with STP machines….

“For the users it allows them to create a closed loop where the process is really controlled by the temperature inside the mould as oppose to trying to figure out the oven temperature and time. With the K-PAQ , which can relay the information to the PLC on a frequent basis, the info is then used to optimise the process so the operators only have to worry about the real cycle times they need, whether it’s for cooking or cooling.”